Hey! This is the old a broken mold. Newer stuff is at abrokenmold.net.
That being said, feel free to rummage through the archives over here. Also feel free to leave comments; we're still keeping an eye on this.

I was checking out this blog. It belongs to StormEffect, one of the users on NBR (Notebookreview.com forums). On it I found a couple things that looked really interesting, so I thought I'd link them here. As far as the oil-filled computer goes, you can see for yourself that there is a measure of doubt about it from the comments below the article. However, if you go to the actual website, you can find hard facts--bench marks and the like. Anyways, looks interesting. And the possibilities...aquarium computers? =]

Oh, and the Cooliris. I only just got it installed, so I can't comment too extensively on it's stability and productivity, but it sure seems fast and pretty slick. One thing I like about it, if I'm getting this right, is that it allows you to view the full image when you click on one from the wall, without actually following the link as in Google search. Anyways, it seems like it could be useful.

So, that's it for now. Merry Christmas!


Nathaniel said...

Oh, you found Cooliris! Sweet. I tried it out back when it was called PicLens. Cool idea, but I don't think it worked so smoothly for me.

Matthew said...

I'll see how it goes...

Nathaniel said...

Dude!!! Cooliris is awesome!!! I love it!

Matthew said...

Isn't it?!