Hey! This is the old a broken mold. Newer stuff is at abrokenmold.net.
That being said, feel free to rummage through the archives over here. Also feel free to leave comments; we're still keeping an eye on this.

I think that sums it up nicely. =D


Nathaniel said...

Lol. xkcd?

Matthew said...

Yep. You can Google it if you want. But I should warn you, not all of his comics are appropriate.

Nathaniel said...

This is true. I do actually subscribe to it. There is some obscene and profane content, which I could certainly do without, but some are just deliciously clean and on the mark... and some are just... geeky humor... or sarcasm... or something. By the way, how much do you read the alternate text on the comics? There are messages there.

Matthew said...

I read all of the alternate text.