Hey! This is the old a broken mold. Newer stuff is at abrokenmold.net.
That being said, feel free to rummage through the archives over here. Also feel free to leave comments; we're still keeping an eye on this.

Check out this link. And the source. Weird, huh?


Nathaniel said...

Lol. You'd think they would leave something more sophisticated.

Matthew said...

How did they do it even? How do you conceal the source code...

Nathaniel said...

Ummm... there is no source code... it's plain text.

Matthew said...

Yeah, that's what I mean. Wouldn't there have to be SOME source code for it to be a webpage? Anyways, it's fixed now...

Nathaniel said...

Actually, no. Web pages are really text files. Likely enough the just put an index.html in the root and just typed in that text. In essence, a text file with an .html extension. And your browser has no problem displaying plain text. Easy. See now?